What Is Colorectal Cancer (Rectum)?

Colorectal Cancer Network comes from the colon (the longest part of the large bowel) or rectum, (a small part of the large intestine before the anus). Most colorectal cancer is a type of cancer are adenocarcinomas (cancers that originates from the cells that make and release mucus or other liquid).

The cause of the

Someone with a family history of colon cancer, has suffered from a high risk of cancer. A history of familial lineage or a similar disease also increases the risk of colon cancer. Sufferers of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease have a higher risk for suffering from cancer. Are the risks associated with age of sufferers of this disorder arises at the time and duration of sufferers experience this disorder.

Food holding perananan important in colon cancer risk, but how, is not known. Worldwide, people with the highest risk are those living in urban areas and consume foods typical of Western people are rich. These foods low in fiber and high in animal protein, fat and carbohydrates. Risk presumably decreased with a diet high in calcium, vitamin D and vegetables such as cabbage and Brussels toge broccoli.


Colorectal cancer grow slowly and take a long time before causing symptoms. The symptoms depend on the type, location and spread of the cancer. The right colon (colon asendens) have a large diameter and thin wall. Due to its content in the form of a liquid, colonic asendens will not be blocked until the onset of end-stage cancer.

Tumors in the colon asendens could be so enlarged so that it can be felt through the abdominal wall. Weak because of severe anemia may be the only symptom. The left colon (colon desendens) has a smaller diameter and thicker walls and tinjanya a bit dense. Cancer tends to surround this colonic part, causing constipation and defecation are often, in turn.

Because the colon desendens narrower and thicker walls, blockages occur early. Sufferers experience painful stomach cramps or abdominal pain and constipation is superb. The stool can bleed, but more often his blood is hidden, and can only be known through an examination of the laboratory.

Most cancers cause bleeding, but usually slowly. In the rectum, the most frequent first symptom is bleeding during bowel movements. If the rectal bleeding, even when the sufferer is known to also suffer from hemorrhoids or divertikel disease, should also be contemplated the possibility of cancer. In the rectum, sufferers can feel pain when defecating and feeling that rektumnya not fully empty. Sitting can be painful. But usually the sufferers do not feel pain because kankernya, unless the cancer has already spread to the network outside of the rectum.


Like other cancers, routine inspection filter, help early discovery of colorectal cancer. Faeces reviewed for counting the number of microscopic blood. To help assure proper inspection results, the sufferers ate red meat high in fiber for 3 days before sampling the stool. If this filter checks showed possible cancer, needed further examination.

Prior to endoscopy, bowel is emptied, often with the use of a laxative and some enemas. Approximately 65% of colorectal cancer can be seen with sigmoidoskop. When polyps that may look ferocious, the entire colon with colonoscopy, checked the power jangkaunya. Some of the visible growth of Muscovy by using surgical tools through colonoscopy, other growth should be removed by surgery.

Blood examination can help in enforcing the diagnosis. In 70% of people suffering from colorectal cancer, antigens in the blood karsinoembriogenik levels high. When cancer antigen levels appointed before this high, then after the surgery simply applied could go down. On my next visit, this antigen levels are measured again; If simply applied increases mean the cancer has a relapse again. 2 measurements can also be done with other antigens, i.e., CA19-9 and CA 125 antigen, which is similar to karsinoembbriogenik.


The main treatment on colorectal cancer was the appointment of the affected bowel section and SAP system beningnya. 30% of sufferers cannot tolerate surgery due to ill health, so some of the tumor was made through elektrokoagulasi. This way can relieve symptoms and extend, but not cure the tumornya.

In most cases of cancer of the colon, intestinal section Muscovy with the surgery and the remaining part is connected again. For cancer of the rectum, the types of operations depends on how far the distance this cancer of the anus and how deeply she grows into the wall of the rectum. The appointment of the entire rectum and anus, requiring sufferers to undergo a colostomy settled (making connections between the abdominal wall with colon). With colostomy, colon contents emptied through a hole in the abdominal wall into a pouch, called a colostomy pouch.

Whenever possible, the rectum is lifted only partially, leaving the ends of the rectum and anus. Then the other end of the rectum is connected to the end of the colon. Therapy shines after tumor removal, can help control the remaining tumor growth, slowed the recurrence and increasing life expectancy. Tumor removal and therapy is very effective for cancer, rectum cancer 1-4 which carries the lymph nodes. But it is less effective in people with cancer of the rectum that has more than 4 lymph gland cancer.

If colorectal cancer has spread and it seems surgery does help the healing, chemotherapy can do with florouracil and levamisole, which increase life expectancy. When colorectal cancer has spread so that they cannot be lifted entirely, surgery to relieve the blockage of the intestines, can relieve the symptoms. But her life expectancy is only about 7 months old. If the cancer has spread to the liver, chemotherapy drugs can be disuntikan directly into the blood vessels leading to the heart.

Although expensive, this treatment can give you more profit than the usual chemotherapy. But these treatments still require further research. When the cancer has spread outside the liver, this treatment is not effective anymore. After colorectal cancer was made entirely through surgery, performed a colonoscopy to check the remaining intestine, a total of 2-5 times each year. When this inspection did not indicate the presence of cancer, the next examination conducted every 2-3 years.


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