Understanding Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the growth of cells uncontrollably in the prostate gland. The prostate is a small gland in the male pelvis which is part of the reproductive system. The prostate is located below the bladder in front of the rectum. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, that channel that carries urine from the bladder to the penis.

The prostate produces fluids that help nourish and protect your sperms. During ejaculation, the prostate secretes fluid into the urethra. Fluid that is issued will be flowing along with the sperm as semen.

Prostate Cancer

There are prostate cancers that are aggressive and can spread quickly. But in General, prostate cancer grows slowly and does not spread.

According to the WHO data, prostate cancer is the most common cancer cases second-order in men. Estimated at 1.1 million men worldwide are diagnosed with prostate cancer and there are 307 thousand cases of death in the year 2012. In Indonesia alone, prostate cancer ranks as the 5th most types of cancer, with the number of sufferers of 971 people in 2011. Men ages 70 to 79 years is the group most who suffer from this disease.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Prostate cancer may not cause any symptoms in the early stages. Prostate cancer symptoms prostate occurs when too large or swell and start to affect the urethra. Some signs and symptoms that appear when this happens are:

More frequent urination, especially during nighttime
Feel pain or heat in the penis during urination or ejaculation
Feel the bladder is always full
Blood in the urine or semen
Pressure while removing the urine decreases
Usually, signs or symptoms of prostate cancer occurs when the cancer has already spread out of the prostate. But the symptoms above are not always caused by prostate cancer. The above condition could have been caused by a urinary tract infection.

Until now, the cause of the rise of prostate cancer is still unknown. But a genetic or hereditary factors and age a person can increase the risk of the appearance of prostate cancer.

A Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer

There are a lot of tests and examinations to determine the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The most common test for detecting prostate cancer is:

Physical examination or an examination of the rectal plug. This inspection is performed to check the size of the prostate gland.
Blood tests. A blood test is better known as the PSA test (prostate-specific antigen or prostatic specific antigen). But this test is not specific only to detect prostate cancer because the PSA levels can also rise due to other conditions such as urinary tract infections or inflammation of the prostate.
Biopsy. Prostate tissue samples will be taken for examination in the laboratory.
It is recommended that men consult a physician to perform a prostate cancer screening at age 40 years, 45 years, or 50 years. Screening is done with a blood test for prostate-specific antigen using. Examination of the rectal plug will also be undertaken as part of the screening.

Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

Makin early prostate cancer is diagnosed, the greater the opportunity for the patient recovered. But if the cancer is still in a very early stage and do not cause any symptoms, patients can choose to mewaspadainya only. Prostate cancer treatment is by surgical removal of the prostate and radiotherapy.

However, if the cancer is detected when it has already spread to the bone, for example, then the cancer cannot be cured. The treatment is done only as to extend age and also relieve the symptoms that appear.